Our Company

Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Shearwater Marine Services prioritises health, safety, and well-being, maintaining ISO 45001:2018 accreditation and promoting a positive culture through education, training, and communication. Their objectives include fostering a positive culture, complying with laws and regulations, improving their management system, and identifying risks. Shearwater believes that their commitment to safety and well-being is essential to their long-term success, and their ISO 45001:2018 accreditation demonstrates their commitment to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all.

Shearwater's People:

Our Most Important Asset

At Shearwater Marine Services, we recognise that our most important asset is our people. We believe that the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, contractors, visitors, and customers are paramount, and we are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment that promotes physical and mental well-being.

We believe that by providing a safe and healthy work environment, we can attract and retain the best talent in the industry. Our commitment to safety and well-being is embedded in our company's policy and is reflected in our ISO 45001:2018 accreditation, which demonstrates our commitment to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all.

We strive to promote a positive health and safety culture within our organisation by encouraging participation in health and safety matters and promoting the Health and Safety Management System through education, training, coaching, supervision, and effective communication. By doing so, we aim to ensure that our employees are competent to carry out their tasks and are provided with adequate training, information, instruction, and supervision.

We are committed to continually challenging ourselves to improve our management system to guarantee the safety of all involved in our operations and to prevent accidents and incidents. We believe that our commitment to safety and well-being is not only the right thing to do but also essential to our long-term success as a company.

Health and Safety Objectives

At Shearwater Marine Services, we believe that Health, Safety, and Welfare of our employees, contractors, visitors, and customers are of utmost importance. We are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment, free from harm, and conducive to promoting physical and mental well-being.

Our core objectives include:

  • Fostering a positive health and safety culture with the objective of providing services and developing projects while maintaining zero harm results that are trusted and recognised by our clients.
  • Complying with relevant laws and regulations as well as internal requirements.
  • Continually challenging ourselves to improve our management system to guarantee the safety of all involved in our operations and to prevent accidents and incidents.
  • Encouraging participation in health and safety matters and promoting the Health and Safety Management System through education, training, coaching, supervision, and effective communication.
  • Promoting Zero Harm values and improving employee behaviours.
  • Ensuring employees are competent to carry out their tasks and are provided with adequate training, information, instruction, and supervision.
  • Identifying our health and safety risks and striving to exceed our obligations to adopt risk reduction programs with applicable legal and other requirements to which Shearwater Marine Services subscribes and which our customers expect.
  • Reviewing and improving our health and safety performance through agreed objectives, goal-setting targets, and management performance.
  • Allocating appropriate resources to ensure the effective implementation of this policy.

Shearwater's Commitment to Health and Safety

Shearwater Marine Services has achieved accreditation to ISO 45001:2018, the international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors, visitors, and customers.

Our commitment to maintaining ISO 45001:2018 accreditation means that we will continue to monitor and improve our Health and Safety Management System to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to the needs of our employees, contractors, visitors, and customers. We will also ensure that we comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and that we strive to exceed our obligations to adopt risk reduction programs with applicable legal and other requirements to which Shearwater Marine Services subscribes and which our customers expect.

By maintaining our ISO 45001:2018 accreditation, we aim to provide our clients with the confidence that we are operating in a safe and responsible manner, and that we are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors, visitors, and customers.

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